Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring Break doodles

A week before my Spring Break, I've been going through a cold and bad allergies. And then this past Thursday I found out from the doctor that both my ears have an infection, which results the reason why I have been sort of deaf. It's not really my ideal Spring Break to go through these things, but honestly, I still had fun as it comes to an end.

Honestly, my plan for Spring Break was to work on some film photography homework and work on Jr/Sr Banquet things for @CBCStudentMinistries, but due to this intense cold I've had for almost two weeks, I've just been ... chillin'.

Doesn't sound like much, but I was able to finish a book and start a new one, catch up on a TV show, watch some movies, play some FFXV (I actually considered playing KH3, but I remembered I have a bet going on so I really can't play it 'till after I graduate), and even do some sketches.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was one of the movies I've watched during my Spring Break, probably like four times lol. I love everything about this animation that I would say it's one of my tops beside Toy Story. The story, the style, the characters, even the soundtrack!! This is based off the scene when Miles is singing "Sunflower."

As mentioned I started reading a new book that I just bought, Images and Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life by Thomas J. Terry & John Ryan Lister, which had the quote I doodled in it. I'm honestly not that far in the book—starting  Chapter 2—but I will say I am so excited as to how this book will unfold. It is a book that deals with a "creative" having a relationship with Christ, "a creativity with God at its center."

It was still a fun and chill Spring Break I've had, but I'm sad as it comes to an end ... at least there's 46 more days till I graduate, Lord willing.